frequently asked questions

Is tattooing dangerous for health?
Does it hurt?
How to choose the tattoo master?
How to choose the motive?
How to maintain the tattoo?
What do I have to warn about before being tattooed?
Should I make an appointment for tattooing?
Which are the styles of the tattoo motives?
What is forbidden to do before the tattooing?

How to maintain the tattoo?

After tattooing tattoo master has done 50% of the job, the other 50% you will have to be done by you, with the proper maintaining of the tattoo according to instructions given in the tattoo studio. The tattoo with the proper procedure will on average heal within a week. Within that week, the tattoo will have to be washed, maintained clean and put on a cream for fastening the process of epitalisation of the skin (healing). Also if you are participating in certain kind of activities which cause you to sweat very much, such activities are best to be avoided. The instructions vary from person to person, it depends on the part of the body where the tattoo will be made and on the environment to which every individual is exposed. That applies also if the person that will be tattooed works or spends time in conditions with a lot of dust, increased humidity, temperature or works in an office etc. The instructions must be followed rigorously, otherwise when the tattoo heals it will be of lesser quality.

After the tattoo heals you should not expose it to the sun and it is advisable that once in a day you put some kind of body lotion on it as long as the young skin has not healed properly and does not develop its natural elasticity and humidity. After about three months after the tattoo has been made no further special care for the tattooed skin is acquired or necessary.




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Roby's Tattoo shop

Tratinska 52a
10000 Zagreb, Croatia

VATid: 08358891746
Working hours:
Mon. to Fri.: 11:00-19:00
Saturday: 11:00-15:00

Tel./Fax. +385 1 3820 434
Roby:                     Senf:
+385 98 230 643, +385 98 1610 928
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